Flux Africa

Le Carbone de l’Afrique

GHG emission measurements are urgently needed to reduce uncertainty for annual GHG emissions across Africa.

PeaceKeeper and Planet Alpha Corp. GHG measurements are made with the Global Monitor Platform (GMP) comprised of available and experimental field analyzers produced by Planetary Emissions Management Inc., Cambridge, MA, USA, and in conjunction with other organizations.

GMP field analyzers are networked in an automated System of Systems (SoS) that collects data simultaneously from diverse sensors in the field, analyzes and reports data and can be controlled remotely. Communications are provided by satellite telemetry. Authorized users can access real time data from any computer or mobile device. Click here for more information on Planetary Emissions Management Inc.

Africa as a region is both sink and source for GHG’s but the magnitude of fluxes is not known. Moreover, the population in Africa is expected to grow rapidly in the coming decades. It is anticipated that over half of global population growth between now and 2050 will take place in Africa with the largest gains occurring in the Congo region. Population is expected to top ~9.8 billion individuals by 2050.

The importance of understanding the GHG budget of the African continent and her countries cannot be understated. The Congo region is home to the second largest rain forest on Earth and is vulnerable to the pressures of population growth. The  PeaceKeeper approach is to link forest growth and sustainable management with support of landowners and inhabitants. Direct measurement of GHG fluxes across the project area are employed to elucidate the net GHG budget each year and tied to direct benefit to the landowners in the form of payments.

While valuable efforts have been made to initiate GHG flux measurements across Africa, such efforts have not established long term observations or expansion of locations. Planet Alpha will build on the foundation of initial observations, such as CarboAfrica, and expand the number of observation locations across Africa. The SoS infrastructure is designed for long term operation in concert with long time horizons planned  for forest projects.


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