This is our story

GIERI is a grassroots conservation and sustainable development organization operating in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, South Kivu Province, Africa. Enhancing carbon storage by reforestation, conserving land for Indigenous Populations, providing trees for community forest growth, and developing agroforestry programs, represent a mix of carbon and GHG reduction strategies to be monitored by PαC. The economic benefits realized by the project activities will be used to improve the lives of all those in the region. Improvement in nutrition, sanitation, education and community services are needed across the Shabunda region. An additional project perspective is to encourage Les Forêts de la Paix given the history of conflict in the region.

En Brief

GIERI (Groupe d’Intervention Pour l’Encadrement Et La Rehabilitation Integrale, or, Intervention Group for Farming and Integral Rehabilitation) is a nonprofit organization registered in the Democratic Republic of Congo since 1997. Headquartered in the city of Bukavu, DRC, the goal of the project is to develop methods to sequester carbon and reduce total GHG emissions in the region. The project aims to engage the local population in a long term effort to manage the forest and its resources for growth and sustainability while generating tangible benefits and income.


GIERI Addresses Health Care in the Region
Calls for Funding to Support Solar Installations

August 16, 20220

Bukavu, DRC


The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has 2,345,441km2 of land area,155 million hectares of dense humid forest, dry forest and savanna, mountains ecosystems along the eastern border; with approximately 80 million inhabitants. Whilst the DRC is located on a high sunshine band between 3,500 and 6,750 Wh /m2/day, it remains mostly unexploited, especially in the Eastern of DRC. Despite all these potentialities, the majority of the Congolese population are living with less than one (1) USD dollar a day. The access rate to electricity of the population remains very low: more than 15 million households have no access to electricity. And those who have access to electricity, this one is not even regular. Most people do not have it every day. This low rate of access also applies throughout the country. Due to the lack of electricity in these areas, people rely on other sources of energy as a motor engine with fuel in order to light their houses. Other use dangerous fuel and this causes fire in many houses. In addition, the use of fuel increases the production of greenhouse gases.

In order to improve the access to electricity in DRC, and to face climate change and its consequences, GIERI has a dream to develop in all Villages in DRC to implement the solar energy project. In December 2010 and November 2017, GIERI supported the implementation of a solar project at the SOZAME Karhale psychiatric centre in Bukavu, in Shabunda and at the Shabunda brother’s charity congregation. On these projects, GIERI contributes to capacity building and training the staff working at the psychiatric centre on the use of photovoltaic materials and assisted with the installation of the photovoltaic materials.

Since 2017 GIERI, has advocated funding to solve problems of employment in the DRC of young people through renewable energy projects and to assist with the introduction of solar energy throughout the Shabunda region. Planetary Emissions Management Inc., joins with GIERI, is to the funding process to realize solar energy in the Shabunda region.

The map shows the approximate project area.

Press Releases

Forest carbon sequestration project takes root in Shabunda region, DRC, Africa, with a focus on sustainability for future generations

The City of Shabunda, nestled within a curve of the Ulindi River, hosts 250,000 inhabits while dense forests to the north are sparsely settled. How could forest carbon sequestration programs be financed and benefit the forests and future generations of the region? The Shabunda Forest Carbon Project attempts to answer these questions.

CO2 Flux Network for 2+ Million Acre Democratic Republic of Congo Forest Carbon Sequestration Projects Proposed to Reverse Deforestation with Economic Benefits

Planetary Emissions Management Inc. and EmiAfrican will deploy a network of CO2 flux sensors across diverse landscapes of the Democratic Republic of Congo to support new tradable GHG products with the goals of reforestation, cultural preservation, and economic benefit.

PEM Finds Forest Carbon Value In the Heart of Africa

Planetary Emissions Management Inc. (PEM) will be participating in the Global African Investment Summit, London, December 1 & 2, seeking investor and forest landowner partnerships in the heart of Africa. PEM plans to apply its patented hardware and financial mechanisms to reforest African land and to protect some of the least disturbed forests on the planet. The PEM approach is based on direct measurement of forest carbon, eliminating estimation and pricing uncertainty for carbon products.